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Shot Down in mid-Flight

Alcatel Alsthom: Shot Down in mid-Flight (2002)
(Full text)

Saturday 17 July 2010

Table of Contents

Chapter I - The Apprenticeship
Chapter II - Roxane
Chapter III - The Privatization of CGE
Chapter IV - The Birth of Alcatel NV
Chapter V - Towards Alcatel Alsthom
Chapter VI - Alcatel Alsthom
Chapter VII - International Expansion
Chapter VIII - Reaching the Summit
Chapter IX - The Tarpeian Rock
Chapter X - Politics and Accusations - The "Affairs"
Cover of the book


I wish to express my wholehearted appreciation to my wife and to my children, Brigitte and Bruno, who accepted with patience and selflessness all the constraints that my commitment to Alcatel Alsthom introduced into our family life.

I wish to express, as well, my immense gratitude to Francine, my loyal assistant, who, for a quarter of a century and without interruption, witnessed this adventure, including the final desert crossing.

I dedicate this book to my grandchildren, Audrey, Clémence, Adrien and Florian, as well as those who may yet be born. It is written to respond in advance to their curiosity when the day comes that they will want to know what happened to their grandfather the century before in the country which professes to be the nation of Human Rights.



<< Table of Contents   -   Prologue >>




“There is an appointed time for everything and a time for every affair under the heavens…
A time to rend, and a time to sew, a time to be silent, and a time to speak....”

Ecclesiastes 3

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Chapter I - The Apprenticeship

Ton affaire, c’est de jouer correctement le personnage qui t’a été confié; quant à le choisir, c’est l’affaire d’un autre.
(It’s your business to properly play out the character that you were assigned; as for choosing it, that’s the business of another.)

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Chapter II - Roxane

Aliquando et insanire jucundum est.
(It is sometimes good to be a little crazy.)
Seneca, De Tranquillitate Animi ad Serenum

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Chapter III - The privatization of CGE

Que chacun fasse donc le métier qu’il sait faire!
(That every man perform the job that he knows how to do!)
Aristophanes, The Wasps

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Chapter IV - The Birth of Alcatel NV

Et quel temps fut jamais si fertile en miracles.
(And what time was ever so fertile with miracles.)
Racine, Athalie

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Chapter V - Towards Alcatel Alsthom

Il faut être plus grands, malgré nous.
(We must be greater, despite ourselves.)

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Chapter VI - Alcatel Alsthom

Pousser en commun, mais non penser en commun.
(Push forward communally but don’t think communally.)
Marcus Aurelius, Thoughts

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Friday 16 July 2010

Chapter VII - International Expansion

Cras ingens iterabimus aequo.
(Tomorrow we take our course once more over the mighty seas.)
Horace, Odes

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Chapter VIII - Reaching the Summit

Et je dis à mes yeux qui lui trouvaient des charmes :
Ailleurs tous vos regards, ailleurs toutes vos larmes,
Aimez ce que jamais on ne verra deux fois.

(And I said to my eyes which noted her charm:
Always focus your eyes elsewhere, always focus your tears elsewhere,
Love what one will never see a second time.)
Alfred de Vigny, La Maison du berger

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Chapter IX - The Tarpeian Rock

…et tacitum vivit sub pectore vulnus.
(...and a silent wound lives under her chest.)
Virgil, The Aeneid

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Chapter X - Politics and Accusations: The "Affairs"

La rançon des grandes actions, c’est la bassesse quand elle prend sa revanche.
(The price of great acts, it’s baseness when it takes its revenge.)
Charles de Gaulle

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Quel plus terrible fléau que l'injustice qui a les armes à la main.
(What more terrible curse than injustice with arms in hand.)
Aristotle, Metaphysics

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Cover of the book

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