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With Complete Impunity

With Complete Impunity:The Scandalous Destruction of Alcatel Alsthom, by Pierre Suard
Translated from French by James E. Terrell

Thursday 27 May 2010

Table of Contents

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Translator's note

Translated from French by James E. Terrell
French words and phrases. Certain French words and phrases are not easily translatable into English because they have special meanings and no real Anglo-American equivalent—such as the names of the various French courts. As a result, the French words are used in this translation. Below is a list of those French words and phrases, along with a brief description of each:

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It took only 20 years from the dazzling flight of Alcatel until its disappearance without glory into the fold of Lucent. The industrial world is brutal for those who fail to adapt to its changes, with its movements and capriciousness.

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Preface to the English Edition

by Stéphane Guérin

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Character – it is first of all to ignore being offended or abandoned by one’s family.
Charles de Gaulle, “The Blade of the Sword”

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Shame is not for me; it is for those who have judged me.
Socrates, at the conclusion of his trial

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Chapter I - The Fabrication of an Affair

Hoc volo, sic jubeo, sic pro ratione voluntas.
I want it, I order it, my desire takes over the place of reason.

Juvénal (Satires VI)

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Chapter II - The "Overbillings"

Scratch the judge and you will find the executioner.
Victor Hugo

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Chapter III - A Mythomaniac Witness

He who betrays loses, and others with him.
La Chanson de Roland

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Chapter IV - A Tenacious Minority Shareholder

Discernment is the principal function of a judge and the necessary quality of judgment.
Bossuet, Sermon on the Guardian Angel

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Chapter V - A New CEO

Henceforth I will only be a powerless witness of the decadence.
Charles de Gaulle

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Chapter VI - The New Strategy: The Divestitures

There is the beginning of the end.

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Chapter VII - The New Strategy: Only Telecom

Est modus in rebus, sunt certi denique fines
Quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum.
There is a just dimension: there are finally precise limits
beyond which good cannot be sustained
Horace (Satires)

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Chapitre VIII - Assessing the Decade

Tchuruk passed by there. All is in ruin and mourning.
Chio, the island of wine, is now nothing more than a reef.
according to Victor Hugo

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Chapter IX - Reflections on this Judicial Disaster

Look at the power that the judges have!
There is in that power an extraordinary deviation which only Parliament can correct.
François Mitterrand (April 19, 1995)

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What more terrible curse than an injustice that has arms in its hand''.
Aristotle, Metaphysics

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Wednesday 26 May 2010


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Cover of the book

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